Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Technology challenge week

Dear parents,

Children in Kindergarten are learning to find solutions to practical and technological problems. In our Technology Challenge week, we tried to involve our parents as well.
Here are some lovely pictures of children-parent teamwork. Building the tallest tower and making clothes out of paper!

Our's are growing ))

Dear parents,

We would like again to share some happy moments of our children when they had their 4th birthdays.
Polad's Birthday

Ibrahim and Parviz's Birthday

Pranav's birthday

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Dear Parents,

I want to thank you all for coming to the school performance. I was so proud of all the children. The teachers worked very hard with the children preparing them for their songs and dances, which was certainly not an easy job!  
Next week(23-27th December) the pre-school is open but the international staff will be away.  I am flying to the UK to spend Christmas with my family. While I am away Miss Kamala will be in charge and Miss Dilara will support her. If you have any questions please speak to them.  As some of the children will also be on holiday we will be running a slightly different more activity based programme.
As many of you know unfortunately Miss Molly will be leaving us. I want to thank her for her hard work. She will be missed. The children in Miss Molly’s class will be with Miss Sharon until our new international teacher arrives. Miss Shirin and Miss Nuray will still be with the children.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2014. I look forward to seeing you and your children again on 7th January 2014.

Alison Ocak

Əziz valideynlər.

Dünənki tədbirimizə qatıldığınıza görə sizə təşəkkürümü bildirirəm. Mən bütün uşaqlarımızla qürur hissi duydum. Mahnıların, rəqslərin hazırlanmasında müəllimlərimizin böyük əməyi olub və bu, heç də asan iş deyil.
Gələn həftə məktəbəqədər təhsil bölməsi fəaliyyətini davam etdirəcək. Xarici müəllimlər tətildə olacaqlar. Mən Milad bayramını ailəmlə qarşılamaq üçün Böyük Britaniyaya yola düşürəm. Tətildə olan müddətdə hər hansı bir sualınız olarsa Kəmalə xanıma müraciət edə bilərsiniz. Dilarə xanım ona kömək edəcək. Bəzi uşaqların tətildə olmasını nəzərə alıb dərs proqramımıza  əsaslanan oyunlara və digər fəaliyyət növlərinə üstünlük verəcəyik.
Bildiyiniz kimi Miss Molli bizi tərk edir. Bizimlə səylə çalışdığına görə ona öz təşəkkürümü bildirmək istəyirəm. Biz onun üçün darıxacağıq. Miss Mollinin qrupu yeni xarici müəllim gələnə qədər Miss Şirin və Miss Nuray ilə birgə Miss Şaronun qrupunda olacaqlar.
Mən sizin hər birinizin 2014-cü Yeni ilinizi təbrik edirəm və 7 yanvar. 2014-cü ildəki görüşümüzü səbirsizliklə gözləyirəm.    

Alison Ocak


     Happy New Year 2014

      Yeni Ilınız Mübarək


Monday, 23 December 2013

Creative Art activities

Dear parents
Our children made lovely umbrellas.We painted on plain umbrellas,making them colorful and  attractive,then we hanged them on the ceiling.


Monday, 9 December 2013

IWB Math activities

Dear parents
We would like to inform you that,we are using our clever board in our math lessons.These exercises are very good for child's number and shape recognition.They learn how to use board pen,choosing and submitting answers.

Our birthdays

We make lovely birthday parties for our children also.We love smile on their faces,when they feel happy and secure among their friends and enjoy happy moments of their lives.
   Vitalia's birthday
 Zarifa's birthday

Polad's Birthday

We wish you a happy life!!! :)

Child initiated activities

Dear parents
Child initiated activities are very important for the development of child's self-confidence,imaginative and creative skills.Here are some examples of them.You can observe things, that show what they learned till today.
Sattar and Polad made a farm,where they keep lots of animals.As you see,they have put all animals according to their kind and size.

 Hamid and Anand built their own city

We made lovely cards for our parents and did some mark making on them.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Art fun

During our art classes we do lots of interesting things, that help to improve children's gross and fine motor skills.This time we made a lady bug, working in pairs and as a team.


Making triangles and squares for our maths house, using glue and lolly sticks.